Saturday, October 23, 2010

four items, unrelated.

1..looking out the window of a photo gallery near brick lane. that old bus is a vegetarian restaurant. apparently.


3..there is this tv channel here that you can access on youtube, called 4od. It's got some really good documentaries and all sorts of things, dramas, comedy, everything. below is a link to one i started watching last night but found it too ridiculous (a musical about traffic on the A1 highway from London to Edinburgh sung from the perspectives of different drivers) and myself too tired to finish it. I'm not sure it's accessible in the US, but try it. days here usually follow the routine of me sleeping later than I'd planned, waking up for class or walking the city, coming home for dinner, socializing a bit, and drowning myself in music into the evening. Since music is such a crucial part of my day, i think i must reveal what i'm listening to on occasion, as a recommendation or just as an anecdote. whichever you prefer.

currently playing on repeat, singing on the streets, etc:

"Young Girl Sunday Blues," Jefferson Airplane.



1 comment:

  1. so happy to see your room, it makes me able to visualize your life a little bit better. love you love you lots, Melisa
